Drag the tunes over that you want to add, then click on Start Sync. To put music on your portable music player, click on the Sync tab and plug in your mp3 player. Then browse through different genres of music or search for specific stations that broadcast over the net. If you’re more experienced, you can certainly use custom settings, but Recommended Settings is easy, and you can change settings at a later time. This will make it your default program for all of your music and video. The first time you launch WMP, the easiest way to get it rolling is to go with the Recommended Settings. It is a full-featured media player that will let you play music, rip and burn CD’s, copy, tag, rate, organize, and manage most of your media files.
In windows 7 it’s version 12 which is laid out differently, and has more options than previous versions you might be used to.
If you want to keep music management simple, and not having to install extra software, using Window Media Player (WMP) will work just fine. Today we will take you through the process of managing your music collection in Windows 7 with Windows Media Player, and look at some of the new features.

If you’re moving from XP to Windows 7, you’ll notice that Windows Media Player 12 is a different than previous versions.